Just last weekend, I found myself in a lovely little town.  This little town is the proud home of one large hunk of metal…

How stately.

Ah, Paris. So lovely in the spring-time/early summer…nothing like that Tennessee heat to bring me back to reality!

I traveled with L, L, L, and T. As the only female in the traveling circle not named Laur-a/en, I sometimes felt entirely too comfortable in the fact that when someone said my name they actually wanted to talk to me. That fact aside, it was a fantastic weekend of delicious food, good friends, an excellent round of Balderdash, a tour of Laura’s life, and a day on the lake.

I have no pictures from the day on the lake because I failed to take my camera. That being said, “trust” me when I say that all* of us got up on water skis the first time. We tubed. We relaxed. We ate at Fat Daddy’s, the classiest** establishment to have ever been graced with my presence. It was a delightful*** day out on the lake.

I’ll return next week with some posts about my jet setting to NYC this weekend. Until then, I leave you with this final photo of L, L, L, and T surveying the Eiffel Tower.

They were in awe.

*”all” meaning Laura with other Laura also skiing. Lauren and Thomas also attempted. I tubed but refused to ski
**”classiest” might be an exaggeration given the variety of tattoos sported  by  patrons of the establishment
*** delightful is exactly what I meant, I just got carried away with asterisks